
Hello Jaxsen!

Jaxsen is our new eBay sales guru. He took the place of Kyle who went on to university. He is a university student too, taking a Bachelor of Arts with a minor in both History an...

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Happy BC Day Long Weekend!

Though the weather be hot and a little smoky (or a lot smoky, depending where you are), we hope you have a relaxing weekend. That being said, Steep Hill will be closed on Monday, August 2. Happy BC Day!

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Happy Canada Day!

O Canada! Our home and native land!True patriot love in all of us command, Car ton bras sait porter l’épée,Il sait porter la croix! Ton histoire est une épopéeDes plus brillants...

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Steep Hill is a 4-Year Member of BCFB

Steep Hill Equipment has just renewed its membership with BC Food & Beverage for another year. BCFB is a not-for-profit association representing food and beverage manufactur...

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What Would We Do Without Jill?

She is literally our Jill-of-all-Trades…. well almost. But she is definitely an asset to Steep Hill. Her official title is Systems and Controls…. around here that means she orga...

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Featuring An Amazing Machine

This is called a Tsuma-Taro Vegetable Spiral Cutter. And its a multipurpose machine. With the flat blade attachment, it can mimic the knife-cutting technique called katsuramuki,...

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