Vemag Robot 500 Vacuum Filler

Vemag Robot 500 Vacuum Filler
The Robot 500 double-screw vacuum filler is ideal for precision portioning of soft and very firm mixtures.
It has a split hopper and a powerful infeed screw.
Filling capacity up to 2,500 kg an hour.
Portion weights:5 grams up to 30,000 grams.
Controlled by a VEMAG PC 878 with 12″ touch display.
Unit includes linker, cutter, and extra parts.
Manufacturer | Reiser Vemag |
Model | Robot 500 |
Year | 2021 |
Condition | Used |
Serial Number | 1286126 |
Stock Number | B2584PCOTF |
Voltage | 220-440 |
Amperage | 23 |
kW | 4.9 |
Phase | 3 |