Hobart 4246 HD Mixer-Grinder

Hobart 4246 HD Mixer-Grinder


This Hobart heavy-duty meat mixer-grinder is equipped with two drive systems: a 1 hp motor drives the the steel mixing arm, and a 7.6 hp motor drives the grinder worm, specifically powered for grinding mixed fresh, and frozen meat tempered to 26°F | -3°C or higher. in flake or stick form.

The wedge cylinder grinding edge speeds product from the hopper to the grinding end by pulling pieces of meat through the large upper opening of the cylinder.

Hopper capacity: 140 lb | 64 kg of meat, depending on type of product.

Mixing arm rotates at 23 rpm

Grinder worm rotates at 216 rpm

Grinding rate: 55-60 lb | 25-27 kg of fresh boneless beef per minute.


Model4246 HD
Serial Number27-143-968
Stock NumberB2424QUBHCT
Hopper Capaciy140 lb | 64 kg of meat
Grinding Rate55-60 lb | 25-27 kg of fresh boneless beef per minute.
HP1 / 7.5